Technology doesn't have to rule your life

Evidence-based resources and therapy to help you use technology in a way that protects your mental health.

Comprehensive Support Services

Amico offers coaching and treatment for problematic media use, providing expert assistance to those in need. Our certified coaches and therapists specialize in supporting mental health via healthy technology use.

Telehealth Counseling

In-Person Therapy

School Programs

Family Resources

Corporate Wellness

12 states

using our program


digital health indicators logged


of facilitators trained in our program

65 thousand

minutes of screen time reduced and counting

Addressing a Critical Need

The rise of media-related mental health disorders among students is alarming:


of U.S. teens say they do not enjoy life, up more than double in the past decade


of teenage girls "seriously considered" suicide last year, a 60% increase in the past decade

8 hours

is the average daily phone screen-time for a U.S. teen


of kids ages 13-17 say social media makes them feel worse

Our Pillars of Care

Amico specializes in educating adolescents on the leading contributors of mental health challenges.


Empowering kids and parents with essential knowledge on digital wellness to navigate the online world safely and healthily.


Equipping kids with effective strategies to address and recover from cyberbullying incidents.

Social Comparison

Helping users recognize and manage the challenges of FOMO, body image concerns, and other social comparison pitfalls online.

Online Safety

Providing tools and guidance to ensure safe and secure interactions in the digital space.

Building Healthier Relationships with Technology

At Amico, we’re dedicated to transforming how you interact with technology. Our innovative approach combines expert care, comprehensive resources, and cutting-edge tools to support your journey toward digital wellness.

Join thousands who have improved their digital wellness with Amico. Our platform offers personalized support and evidence-based programs tailored to your needs.

What Our Community Says

Amico gives me an understanding that goes beyond simple and ineffective monitoring tools that I've used in the past.


Understanding platforms and how to protect my children is bewildering...Amico gives me a roadmap to better support my kids and gives me the tools I need to navigate this inscrutable landscape.


As a father, the prospect of catching the problem before it gets worse is particularly reassuring....I've seen with my own kids how issues pertaining to social media result in real world issues.


This kid reduced his phone time by tons of hours… it spawned from the curriculum. It was cool to see it working in real time

School Counselor

We need more of your social media curriculum. Amico is not just words on a powerpoint - it is what they need to understand these issues


Many of our students have young, single parents, and they talked about how they don’t like it when their moms post pictures about them rather than spending quality time with them. They learned how to talk to their parents about spending quality time rather than worrying about what they are posting.

School Counselor

The class just gets better each session! The content has been designed to be age-appropriate, and the students have actively engaged in lively discussions, as well as group and partner activities.


Kids were shocked by how much time some kids their age spend on social media, as they don't spend nearly this amount. They actually wanted to know how they could help those kids stay off screens more regularly, and I explained that your organization is working to do just that.


Teachers absolutely love it. They like the content, it is so easy that they can just pop it up and do it


We discussed how companies try to make you want things you can't afford online. They learned how ads on social media make them think they need things to be happy... It has been great to have deep conversations about this - they may not have the opportunity to talk about it without [Amico].


Demonstrated Success in Well-being

Our program has shown significant improvements in student well-being through:

Screen Time Reduction

The U.S. Surgeon General warns that excessive screen time is one of the key factors in the youth mental health crisis

A man sitting at a desk with a laptop.

Peer Comparison Reduction

Amico reduces the tendency to compare oneself to others on social media and increases positive feelings about appearance among students