Nov 16, 2023

Atlanta, GA

Amico Health Takes Center Stage at Excel In Ed Summit, Advising Policymakers on Standards for Healthier Online Behaviors in Education.

Atlanta, Georgia (November 16th, 2023) — Amico Health,  a pioneer in digital wellness, took the stage at the Excel In Education Summit, where the company actively advised state policymakers and partners on the pivotal role of standards in promoting healthier online behaviors among students.

ExcelinEd hosted over 1,100 state and national policymakers, education leaders and advocates from November 16 -18 in Atlanta, Georgia.

During the discussion led by Amico Health, they explored the critical intersection of digital wellness and education. The conversation emphasized the need for forward-thinking standards that prioritize the holistic well-being of students in the digital age.

"Amico Health is dedicated to shaping a digital landscape that prioritizes the well-being of individuals, especially in the educational context," stated Amico Health. "The Excel In Education Summit provided a platform to share insights and best practices with state policymakers and partners, focusing on standards that promote digital wellness and equip students with the skills to navigate the digital world responsibly."

The discussion highlighted collaborative efforts between Amico Health, state policymakers, and educational partners to establish standards that address the evolving challenges posed by digital technologies.