Dec 14, 2023

Greenwich, CT

Amico Health Presents to the Oktodelay parents group to Address Social Media Challenges Amongst Children, Shares Success Stories and Insights.

Greenwich, CT (December 14th, 2023) — Amico Health, was invited to speak by Oktodelay, a grassroots parent organization that is focused on reducing problems caused by social media amongst children. The event brought in parents from local communities who shared concerns about the effects of social media and technology on their children.

Amico Health shared the background of the company, supported by compelling data about social media. They also shed light on their detailing the successes the organization has achieved. Following the presentation, Oktodelay featured Amico Health in an extended Q&A session, providing an opportunity for valuable interaction for the audience.

One of the highlights was an insightful response to a question about advice for individuals seeking to introduce Amico Health's initiatives into their schools. The event not only achieved its objective of raising awareness about healthy social media practices but also fostered a sense of community engagement and dialogue. Amico Health's commitment to digital well-being continues to resonate and expand its influence beyond the initial gathering in Oktodelay, setting the stage for positive change in the realm of digital wellness education.