Sep 26, 2023

Venice, CA

Amico Health and ISTE Spearhead Digital Citizenship Coalition, Offering Insights and Best Practices for a Safer Online Environment in Education.

Venice, CA (September 26, 2023) — Amico Health is now a core contributor to the Digital Citizenship Committee. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and Amico Health have played a key role in offering valuable insights and best practices to educators nationwide for digital wellness.

Amico Health shared crucial insights and best practices, drawing from its experience in promoting digital wellness. The collaboration with ISTE and partners aimed to address the challenges of digital citzenship, providing effective strategies for educators, parents, and stakeholders.

"Amico Health is honored to collaborate with ISTE in addressing the pivotal issue of digital wellness in education. Our mission aligns with preparing students to stay safe online and use digital tools positively."

The Digital Divide ISTE event also served as a platform for attendees, offering access to Amico Health's partner resources. Parents, educators, and stakeholders interested in empowering students in digital environments can explore the array of offerings from Amico Health and its partners.